Category: self-development

Plant and Grow in 30 Days Day 19

Plant and Grow in 30 Days Day 19

I am a strong proponent of not living in the past, but it is good to visit there sometimes.  So I paid it a visit today.  I took a stroll down the proverbial memory lane, with music as my guide.  Memories of when my husband and I first started dating, our wedding, and other highlights of our time together, brought both smiles and tears(happy ones).  I sung in and out of tune, reminisced, and got that “old feeling” back.  That feeling I had when I first fell in love with him resurfaced.  Not that it had gone anywhere, but sometimes it gets buried under the complexities of “life”.  No, can’t live there, but it felt really good visiting.

Plant and Grow in 30 Days Day 18

Plant and Grow in 30 Days Day 18

On my way out today I saw my neighbor outside working in her flower beds.  I waved to her and said hello as I normally do and proceeded to my car.  Then I stopped and decided to do something “new”.  I’ve waved to and spoken to her in passing countless times since the almost two years we’ve been neighbors; Today I took the time and made the effort to go over and initiate  a conversation with her.  She’s a lovely lady, friendly and easy to talk to.  Turns out we have a lot in common too.  So glad I made the effort to find out.

Plant and Grow in 30 Days Day 17

Plant and Grow in 30 Days Day 17

In case you’re wondering, my counting isn’t off.  I skipped days 14-16 purposely, deciding instead to take a 3 day weekend off from writing for the Easter holiday.  That in itself is a “new” because normally I would have held myself to it.  But, that’s one of the beauties of freelance writing, being on my own schedule. Nevertheless, I struggled with the decision to take a break because I committed to doing the 30 days and I don’t like to come up short.

Today’s “new” correlates to what I mentioned above.  Initially I wasn’t even going to mention having skipped the three days; I was just going to write today’s post.  However, I’m learning that it’s okay to share your shortcomings and fails.  It provides for more transparency and may help someone else in the process.

Plant and Grow in 30 Days Day 13

Plant and Grow in 30 Days Day 13

Blue is one of my favorite colors, especially Carolina blue.  I have been a Tarheels fan since age six.  Getting back on point, I looked in my closet today and knew what I needed my “new” to be for Day 13.  Going through my clothes I saw some blue shirts, blue pants, a blue skirt.  Not one blue dress though.  Needing a dress for the weekend, I decided to get a blue one.  I found the perfect one.   No it’s not Carolina hued, but it is a nice shade of dark blue.  Will post a picture of it when I wear it this weekend.  If this post seems “simple” to you, it is.  But simple things make me happy.

Plant and Grow in 30 Days Day 12

Plant and Grow in 30 Days Day 12

In our “busy” society sometimes we choose convenience over quality.  This is what helps keep the fast food restaurants in business, but that’s another post.  So, those who really know me know that grocery shopping is one of my least favorite things to do.  I like to cook the food and eat the food, but I don’t like to shop for it.  Go figure.  There was a time when I would go to multiple places for groceries.  One place might have the best meats, another place higher quality produce, and yet another place the best prices on household products. Well that time has passed.  Now I try to get it all at the nearest grocery store.  That has resulted in me getting sub par produce at times, but it’s convenient.  Today I went to a farmer’s stand for my produce after having gone to the store for my other items.  One bite of my strawberries confirmed that it was worth the extra time and travel.  My Day 12 “new” was simple, but it made me happy, and that’s the point of it after all.

Plant and Grow in 30 Days Day 11

Plant and Grow in 30 Days Day 11

Today’s “new” involved me, a book, a blanket, and a tree.  An early Tuesday afternoon found me at the park lying on a blanket under a tree with a book in hand.  I usually reserve my non work related reading for either before bedtime or the weekend.  But, this afternoon I just decided to grab a blanket and a book I’ve had on hand for months and go.  The sun was beaming, but the tree provided shade and there was a nice breeze rolling through.  The spot I chose had a good view of the lake, which was a nice reading backdrop.  Besides a few walkers chatting as they passed by, it was pretty quiet.  I fully immersed myself in my long-awaited read for a couple of chapters before returning to reality.

Plant and Grow in 30 Days Day 10

Plant and Grow in 30 Days Day 10

Today I deviated from my normal morning routine, choosing to go for a walk in the neighborhood before jumping into household chores and work.  It was a beautiful day for a walk-the sun was shining and the temperature was perfect, neither too hot nor too cold.  It was a refreshing change of pace.   Strolling in the quiet morning hours, listening to the birds chirping, clearing my mind, sparking my creative juices for writing.  Day 10’s “new” reminded me that it’s good to break free from the normal routine every now and then.

Plant and Grow in 30 Days Day 9

Plant and Grow in 30 Days Day 9

My Sundays are usually reserved for worship and rest.  Church in the a.m., a good book and/or movie in the afternoon and evening hours, and if the weather permits some outside time soaking up the sun and scenery.  Today after church I gave up my  quiet “me time” for the laughter and squeals of “the little people”.  ????   I helped with a neighborhood Easter egg hunt.  The turn out was good, the kids enjoyed the activities, and were super hype about the Easter bunny and finding the eggs.  It was time well spent.  Tomorrow is the start of a new week.  Check in to see what “new” I’m up to on Day 10.

Plant and Grow in 30 Days Day 8

Plant and Grow in 30 Days Day 8

Today my “new” wasn’t an activity, but rather inactivity.  I had some things that I had planned on doing, but I canceled them choosing instead to do nothing.  And nothing is what I spent most of my day doing and it felt good.  I’m one of those people who feels like there’s always something to do and that I should always be doing something so I often forget to just  “sit down somewhere” and be still.  I sat outside on the patio and walked around in the backyard enjoying the sun, ate when I was hungry, mindlessly scrolled social media, and just loafed around.  I didn’t even turn on my television all day and writing this post is the most work I’ve done all day.  I know the t-shirt I talked about on yesterday highlighted “no days off”, but maybe just one.  So, I’m back “on” tomorrow.  Tune in for Day 9.

Plant and Grow in 30 Days Day 7

Plant and Grow in 30 Days Day 7

Today marks the end of the first week of my 30 Days of “New”.  So, I closed out with a double dose.

I’m normally a buttoned down, collared, dressy shirt or sweater type of woman.  T-shirts are usually reserved for exercising or sleeping in.  Today I proudly wore a graphic tee that I purchased from a rising entrepreneur.  I like the design and colors in the shirt, but I love the motivational words on it “No Days Off-24 7 365”.  I’m working on achieving some long-term professional goals so these words remind and inspire me to keep pushing.



New thing number two?  Number two wasn’t exactly something that I haven’t done before, but rather something that I hadn’t done in a long while, before today.  I had a table for one.  I took myself to lunch and not at a crowded fast food spot where I could fade into the background.  I enjoyed a quiet lunch where I  was able to savor my food and my thoughts.  I’m a slow eater so it felt good not to have to eat faster than I care to because everyone else is already finished and waiting on me.  There was nice music playing during my meal and I was able to really listen to it and not just hear it, as would have been the case dining with others.   Don’t get me wrong though, I enjoy lunch dates with my husband, friends, and family, but “a table for one can be fun” too.


I know for some these might seem like small things, but I’m the type for whom the “little things” mean the most.

Okay sappy quotes finished.  Day 8 awaits, talk to you tomorrow.